
QUANTA existed at the first
place to ensure that you get the right product with the right quality. Rest
assured that in QUANTA quality is always a priority and will never sacrifice it
for any other advantage and will keep stable and ever improving quality for the
entire products.
In QUANTA, quality is defined in terms of
product life time, reliability & ease of use, minimum maintenance
requirement, safety, minimized power consumption and environmental friendly.

QUANTA is an international
brand customized to local customers. We work hard to develop the products that
are just designed to fit you.
It’s our commitment that we will never
sacrifice a product’s specification (obvious or hidden) to gain a selling
advantage or to follow the market trend.

Already fall in love with
QUANTA? We are working hard to provide a full range of household electrical
products for your satisfaction.
The goal is to make your life easier and
your shopping simpler and more enjoyable by offering all the products you need
in the brand that you love and trust.

QUANTA products are made
according to high quality standards but as any product can stop working.
That’s why it is supported with high level
of warranty making some products guaranteed one for two pieces regardless of
the using conditions, that’s mean we will replace it for 2 pieces freely even
if it is misused!
(Warranty conditions different according to
product type)

QUANTA offer a complete set of
spare parts for entire products (for warranty period and beyond) with qualified
engineers for maintenance.
Once you got one of our products relax that
it will work for long and we next to you to make sure it will.

QUANTA packing in not simply a
beautiful and colorful box to protect the product! It is a rich source of
information. There are many advices to help you choose the right product when
you go shopping beside tips and advices for smart use of the product.
A simple and user friendly language has been
developed with dedicated set of icons to serve this purpose. You will find
icons including: is the product new? Is it popular for more than 2 years? How
long its warrantee? What kind of replacement policy? … etc.
You can also find more information like the
life time and restriction of use clearly stated whenever you need it.